What We Offer "If Our Closets Could Talk" A retreat based on a subject to which women easily relate–clothes! You’ll peek into your life’s closet too.What Doesn’t Fit?What Should We Pitch?What Should We Give Away? "What Every Girl Needs: Refuge, Redemption, Restoration and a Few Good Recipes" A retreat based on the book of Ruth.Find Refuge from Life’s HurtsBe Blessed by RedemptionExperience Wholeness through Restoration "Just Say 'Yes'--To God!" A retreat to encourage women to reach their full potential in Christ.Look In–Are there issues that keep you from moving on in life?Look Up–Have you developed an ongoing relationship with Christ?Look Out–Have you identified your talents, gifts and passion to reach the world? Friends of the Heart is also available for shorter presentations that include skits, messages, songs, and worship: “Mary: Ordinary or Extraordinary?”(a great Christmas program)“That Face in the Mirror: Who DoYou See?”(perfect for Mother’s Day events)“Friendship: Got It In You?”(great for any occasion)“Tea With Mary, Martha & TheirPsychologist” (great for any occasion)“If the Shoe Fits . . . “(a second option for Mother’s Day or ladies tea)